Photorejuvenation / IPL

Photorejuvenation (or photofacials) is the go-to cosmetic procedure for anyone looking to improve the appearance of their skin. Over a series of sessions, intense pulse light (IPL) or broad band light (BBL) is applied to specific areas, resulting in a radiant complexion and youthful glow.

How does photorejuvenation work?

Photorejuvenation is the process of supercharging the skin’s natural process of damage and repair. During a photorejuvenation treatment, light is applied to tissue to create false damage and ignite the body’s natural healing response. This kick-starts the process of tissue remodeling and new cell production, allowing sunspots, broken blood vessels and freckles to get reabsorbed into the skin.

What areas does photorejuvenation treat?

By penetrating below the skin’s dermis layer, photorejuvenation targets underlying tissues to create high-impact, long-lasting results. Photorejuvenation treatments are the choice method for tackling issues unsolvable by topical products, such as:

  • Repairing sun damage, including brown spots and freckles
  • Improving uneven skin tone and skin dullness
  • Minimizing appearance of facial veins, broken blood vessels
  • Reducing visibility of redness/rosacea

After treatment, skin will look and feel smoother as redness dissipates. Brown spots will also fade as they move to the surface and eventually fall away in the natural exfoliation process.

How long does photorejuvenation last?

You can expect to see changes from photorejuvenation one to two weeks following your first treatment. For the best results, doctors typically recommend 30-minute sessions about four to six times, delivered a month apart.

How should I prepare for my photorejuvenation treatment?

Take good care of your skin well before your appointment. Avoid sun exposure and apply sunscreen daily. You should also avoid smoking, and harsh topical products. Leading up to your photorejuvenation session, your doctor will provide detailed instructions on steps you should take to ensure optimal long-term results.

Am I a candidate for photorejuvenation?

Photorejuvenation is the cosmetic treatment for those who want to improve their skin tone and texture. Most doctors will advise against photorejuvenation if you are sensitive to light, have a skin resurfacing disorder, have recently tanned, or have a keloid scar. Be sure to first speak with your physician about receiving photorejuvenation if you are pregnant, taking blood thinning medications, or have a skin condition. Book a consultation to learn the best course of treatment for your cosmetic goals.

Before and After Photos

*Individual results may vary